
The National Policy Institute is established to develop and disseminate research to support state and local public sector employees and retirees

The National Institute for Public Employee Health Care Policy will work to advance the knowledge base on key issues impacting public sector buyers, their health care plans, and the state and local employees they serve.


WASHINGTON, June 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Today, a new organization, the National Institute for Public Employee Health Policy launches to promote and safeguard the interests of public sector employees, retirees and their dependents by developing and disseminating research that supports their access to affordable, comprehensive and high-quality health care in the United States.

More than 15 percent of the American workforce is employed by state and local public sector entities, including millions of individuals in critical roles such as teachers, firefighters and law enforcement. As health care costs continue to rise, the development and dissemination of research and analysis to support the preservation of the high-quality health benefits relied upon by public sector employees, retirees and their dependents is never been so important.


Today, the new National Institute for Public Employee Health Policy officially launches to answer that call. Through the development of public policy research and analysis, the Institute aims to raise awareness and advance the knowledge base on key issues impacting public sector buyers and their health plans, with an initial focus on research to evaluate the following areas:

  • Rising pharmaceutical costs and prices
  • Public Sector Group Medicare Advantage Plan Options
  • Competition for hospitals and suppliers

Looking at these three initial areas, the Institute will produce data and corresponding research products, including white papers and problem summaries, host educational events and develop key partnerships so that policy makers and stakeholders can better understand the benefits offered to employees of the public sector, retirees, and their employees.


“Across the country, employees and retirees face rapidly rising health care costs. This is especially challenging for public sector employees, who generally earn less than their private sector peers,” She said Katrina DanielChair of the institution’s board of directors and Chief Health Care Officer for the teachers’ pension scheme Texas. “Producing evidence-based research to better understand and safeguard their health benefits is critical to preserving their financial and retirement security.”

The Institute’s Board of Trustees, composed of a diverse set of leaders from state public sector entities and allied organizations, along with Institute member organizations and policy experts, will work together to produce independent and impartial innovative research and educational materials . The organization’s work will be led by the Institute Senior Policy Advisor, Green Marthaformer head of health plan research and administration at the California Public Employees Retirement System, now serving as a senior consultant at Healthsperien, LLC, a nationally recognized health policy and business strategy consulting firm.

“Public sector buyers have a fiduciary duty to offer comprehensive, high-quality benefits at an affordable cost,” She said Green Martha, Senior Policy Advisor at the Institute. “We look forward to collaborating on these important issues and developing stronger evidence-based research to achieve better value and health care outcomes for public sector employees, retirees and their dependents, and to educate national policy makers and stakeholders alike”.

Later this summer, the Institute will release its first research product, a small issue that explores how state and local public sector buyers are coping with rising drug costs and implementing solutions to ensure continued access to critical drugs for those they serve. Findings from a recently launched survey of specialty drug costs and strategies to mitigate spending, conducted in collaboration with the Public Sector Health Care Roundtable and with data collected from dozens of state public sector health plans on their cost-containment approaches, they will inform the document.

For more information about the Institute, visit our website.

National Institute for Public Employee Health Policy
The National Institute for Public Employee Health Care Policy (the Institute) is a nonprofit (501)(c)(3), nonpartisan, national policy institute focused on areas of public policy that impact health care plans available of public sector employees, retirees, and their beneficiaries. The Institute conducts research, develops authored papers and problem summaries, and hosts events to raise awareness and educate the Washington, DC political community. Visit our site at

SOURCE National Institute for Public Employees’ Health Policies

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