
What to eat (and drink) when you’re ready to gobble up after a fast

Hard-boiled eggs

Emmanuel Afolabi/Shutterstock Fasting has been a common practice for thousands of years in many cultures. Over the past decade, knowledge about how to break fast intermittent fasting has become more widely known and used. Some people practice time-restricted eating. This involves limiting how many hours a day you can eat. For example, 18/6 intermittent fasting … Read more

Are you thinking about a new diet? This is what a high protein approach looks like

healthy foods

Hello/Unsplash Fitness goals usually fall into one of two categories: exercise more and eat better. This may involve eating a high-protein diet, adding more greens to dinners, and getting into a running routine. However, there’s no need to wait for January, because you can make positive changes any time of the year! Now, there are … Read more
