
Hospital insurance contract in doubt due to possible conflict of interest | Benito Link

Hospital insurance contract in doubt due to possible conflict of interest |  Benito Link

Advertisment Advertisment The San Benito Health District Board meeting on June 22 The meeting was a chaotic confrontation involving members of the public, board members and nurses from Hazel Hawkins Hospital. Nine community members, along with nurses and doctors, were often applauded by others in the room as they questioned the board’s ability to govern … Read more

The link between the propensity to fantasy and dissociation

The link between the propensity to fantasy and dissociation

When faced with traumatic events, we may develop dissociative phenomena. But what are the elements, factors or properties that make this type of experience normal or pathological? Last update: June 27, 2023 Advertisment Dissociation is intimately linked to trauma. To explain this, we can use a metaphor. Imagine that you are in a room with … Read more
