
New York’s Medicare Advantage health plan is a betrayal

Retirees protesting the Medicare Advantage situation regarding Law 12-126 outside City Hall, Manhattan, New York on Wednesday, October 12, 2022.

The lure of free money leads people to do short-sighted and even illegal things. It’s happening right now, as New York City again seeks to force 250,000 municipal retirees off traditional Medicare and into an inferior insurance plan, Medicare Advantage. The city’s incentive is easy to understand: money. Moving people moves $500 million a year … Read more

The Long Shadow of a Father’s Betrayal: Woman chronicles the struggles of growing up in an abusive home and overcoming depression


For citizen Posted on: 06 July 2023 12:20 (EAT) Mental health awareness. /ISTOCKPHOTO Advertisment They say a daughter first learns to love from her parents, both father and mother; but what happens when fatherly love is toxic? Sharon Zawadi, 22, knows all too well the impact a father’s actions can have on a daughter’s mental … Read more
