
Six Habits of Stress-Resistant Minds

Six Habits of Stress-Resistant Minds


Last update: June 29, 2023

Anyone can learn the habits of stress-resistant minds. Moreover, thanks to these dimensions, we can better regulate our emotions and respond more skillfully to any challenge. Indeed, in an increasingly complex and uncertain social scenario, it is extremely useful to know how to put these resources into practice.


As clearly stated in a study published in Frontiers in human neuroscience, although some people possess a greater neurobiological predisposition to resilience, this is a skill that can always be developed and improved. And, in so doing, they were more likely to prevent complex realities such as depression or anxiety.

In this article, we will explain some of the behaviors and cognitive approaches employed by the most skilled men and women when it comes to stress resistance.


Daily life is unpredictable and challenges always arise when we least expect them. Being resistant to stress allows you to develop innovative strategies to manage difficult moments.

Have a stress resistant mind

This concept often raises the question of whether resistance equals waterproofness and insensitivity. The answer is yes. An example is highlighted in a study conducted by the University of Colorado (Canada). They claim it resistance to stress does not imply the absence of a response to this mechanism, it means knowing how to apply more adaptive responses.


This is the key. You have to face the challenges or demands of your environment without letting yourself be overwhelmed by the state of psychophysiological stress.

In this way, you will avoid the negative effects associated with chronic or acute stress and you will recover faster from any complex circumstance. After all, you can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond.

Minds resistant to stress

There’s an old saying that goes, “It’s not how far you fall, it’s how high you bounce that matters.” Stress-resistant minds have this ability. They know how to react when things go wrong.

For example, work problems, bad news, relationship difficulties, and fear of the future. Life is full of challenges and we can all learn from those who are experts in this context. So, take a look at the following dimensions that define people with stress-resistant minds.

1. They train their attention

Daniel Goleman wrote the book, Focus: develop attention for excellence (2013). He claims that people capable of by focusing their mental attention on their interior and exterior, they better navigate the world around them, connect with yourself and react optimally.

Furthermore, a study published in Frontiers in psychology reveals that training students in attention skills reduces their academic stress. If you want to get started with this skill, take note of the following strategies:

  • Avoid multitasking.
  • Regular cell phone use.
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Eliminate distractors in your daily life.
  • Do cognitive training exercises.
  • Practice selective attention. For example, when listening to music, pay attention to only one instrument.

2. They adapt in innovative ways

One of the habits of stress-resistant minds is their ability to adapt to change. People with good skills in this area don’t treat twists of fate as threats. They try to stay calm and figure out how to use that alteration to gain an advantage. For example:

  • They demonstrate less resistance to change. They don’t get stuck due to denial or non-acceptance of new circumstances.
  • They are more skilled when it comes to reflecting on possible solutions. Faced with any change or variation, they try to figure out what strategies to apply to accept or deal with those scenarios.
  • They accept contradictions and tolerate frustration. They understand that not all dynamics, people or situations fit their perspectives and that the world may not always be as they expect.
  • They have flexible minds. This more open cognitive approach helps them think about solutions and not get stuck in the face of adversity. A study conducted by Soochow University (Taiwan) highlights how cognitive flexibility is a fundamental tool for student success.

Stress resistant people are not afraid of change and have flexible and creative mental approaches.

3. They know how to effectively regulate their emotions

Are you skilled at managing anguish, worry or fear? One of the most remarkable habits of the stress resistant is their ability to regulate their emotions. This doesn’t mean that they don’t feel anxiety, restlessness or fear, but rather that they know how to behave when these psychophysical states grip them. For example:

  • They lean into their environment, talk about how they feel.
  • They do not get carried away by those emotional states, but rather employ strategies to channel them.
  • They employ a rational mental approach to regulate any thoughts dominated by negativity.
  • They accept and give space to every emotion they feel. They don’t resist them or move them as if they weren’t there.
  • They use certain strategies to channel difficult emotions. For example, writing, sports or art.
  • They use mindfulness to help them better regulate their emotions and reduce the impact of stress. This interesting advantage is suggested in a study conducted by the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil).

4. They are creative and confident in their abilities

Creativity is an amazing channel for regulating stress and finding new strategies in the face of personal challenges. On the other hand, those who present a rigid cognitive approach tend to get trapped in the face of any problem, however small.

Those who are experts in stress resistance are confident in their abilities and skills. This gives them the self-confidence to face difficulties. Therefore, if you want to be more resistant to stress, keep in mind that you always have time to increase your creativity. Here are some helpful strategies:

  • Start in some artistic activity. For example, music, painting or writing.
  • See your surroundings from a broader perspective. Imagine, be curious and investigate.
  • Apply a more critical approach to everything around you. Look beyond the obvious.
  • Share your time with creative people. Open up to new perspectives with them.
  • Develop your divergent thinking. Think in original and innovative ways.

5. They know how to seek support

Seeking support, accepting help, and sharing your fears and vulnerabilities with others doesn’t make you weak. On the contrary, in fact. Indeed. those with stress-resistant minds possess this precious virtue. They are people with excellent social-emotional skills.

  • They allow themselves to be vulnerable. They don’t hesitate to share their feelings and needs with others.
  • They do not repress or hide their suffering. They understand that by venting to a friend, partner, or family member, life hurts less.
  • They know when to stop and accept that they can’t take it anymore. Indeed, knowing your boundaries is a good strategy for regulating stress.

6. They are clear about their vital meanings and purposes

In the face of any adversity, nothing is as relevant as remembering our vital meanings and purposes. For example, think of neurologist Viktor Frankl and what he stated in his book, Man’s search for meaning (1946). We have to be able to hold on to something to get through the tough times.

An article published in Frontiers in psychology points out that our modern lives often distract us from these dimensions. We disregard them, when, in fact, having a purpose in life is one of the most basic human needs. This is something the most stress-resistant minds cultivate effectively.

AS, don’t hesitate to ask yourself what gives you meaning, what is important in your life and what gives you hope.

Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, only by lack of meaning and purpose.

~ Victor Frankl ~

Practice the habits of stress-resistant minds

Developing a more resilient and stress-resistant mental approach is not easy. It takes time, perseverance and willpower. However, we recommend starting these practices because your mental health and well-being will notice the benefits as the days go by.

Remember that being strong doesn’t mean you can handle everything or endure all adversity. It means overcoming difficulties by adapting, applying the best strategies and knowing how to ask for help when you need it.

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