Although you had amazing eyesight when you were younger, you will see changes in your eyesight as you age. It’s nothing you’re doing, it’s a natural process that our eyes go through. As most people reach middle age, the eye’s ability to focus on things up close diminishes. It’s called presbyopia.
But that’s not the only change that can take place in your vision. Some happen without you realizing it. Here are the subtle signs that you may need glasses.
For more health tips, see How Naturally stop itchy eyes AND how to extend your life by sleeping.
9 things that tell you it’s time to get your glasses
1. You’re squinting to see things
Are you squinting while reading this? If so, relax your face. Are the words a little blurry now? If so, you may need glasses.
Squinting is a natural reaction we make when we need to focus on things. When you squint, the eye’s lens changes shape and less light enters the retina, allowing things to appear sharper. Constantly squinting while looking at things is one of the most obvious signs of vision problems.
2. Blurry vision
Blurred vision is another major reason I went to the eye doctor. Over time, I’ve noticed that the letters on my phone’s keyboard were blurry as I was typing. In my case, it was caused by astigmatism. However, blurry vision can also be a sign of presbyopia or farsightedness. All this can be corrected with glasses.
3. You are experiencing eye strain
Eye strain comes from several sources, including low light, stress, and fatigue. But it can also result from constant computer use and underlying vision conditions that cause you to squint to see better. Eye strain can hamper your ability to concentrate and complete your usual routine. Essentially, eye strain means this your eyes are tired.
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, common symptoms of eye strain include:
- Heachache
- Muscle spasms of the eyes
- Itchy or watery eyes
- Sensitivity to light
- Back and neck pain
- Blurred vision
4. You have to hold the books closer to see them clearly
Do you ever start reading a book or magazine and realize you’re holding it closer to your face than before? It’s like he’s getting closer and closer without you realizing it.
Most commonly, this happens due to presbyopia or an impaired ability to focus and see things up close. It is also often called age-related farsightedness. It usually begins to appear around the age of 40. Presbyopia happens naturally as we age and can easily be corrected with glasses.
5. It’s harder to see at night
Night blindness, which describes difficulty seeing things in dimly lit or dark environments, can also mean that you need glasses. There are many reasons this can happen; for example, it could be as simple as being nearsighted or having difficulty seeing things in the distance.
More seriously, night blindness can also be a symptom of cataracts or clouding of the lens, retinitis pigmentosa, or tunnel vision caused by dark pigments in the retinas. Night blindness is especially important to address as it impairs driving ability.
6. Your eyes take some time to adjust to changes in light
Our eyes are designed to adapt to light thanks to the iris, the colored part of the eye. The iris is responsible for regulating the pupil, the opening in the iris. When the pupil dilates, it lets in more light, which helps you see in the dark. The iris contracts the pupil when it is bright. There are times when the iris doesn’t adjust so quickly.
If your eyes are taking longer than usual to adjust, it’s time to talk to your doctor to see if glasses can help correct this problem.
7. You have frequent headaches
Headaches can occur for a variety of reasons, such as dehydration, diet, stress, and hormones. Another common reason is vision problems. Understandably, with so many causes, it can be difficult to attribute a headache to anything. That’s why so many people go without glasses when they need to.
Take note of your habits. Are you squinting or holding things close to your face? Getting glasses can relieve eye-related headaches.
8. Distorted vision
Distorted or wavy vision is often described as things that look like they are under water. Lines and colors are distorted as waves appear to be rippling over them. Wavy vision can be a sign of macular degeneration or deterioration of the retina and loss of central vision. Macular degeneration is not curable. However, you can slow the progression of the condition. Eyeglasses specifically for macular degeneration can help manage symptoms.
9. See halos
Have you noticed that the lights tend to get wider at night? Like a halo around the source? Seeing halos around lights such as headlights or streetlights is another sign that you may need glasses. Halos are symptoms of several vision problems: astigmatism, farsightedness and farsightedness, and cataracts.
Don’t ignore your symptoms
If any signs on this list sound familiar, it’s time to schedule a comprehensive eye exam. Just because you’re making it work doesn’t mean your vision is the best it can be. Why not see life to the fullest?
But it’s more than that. Ignoring vision problems can threaten your health. Poor vision can increase your risk of injury or decrease your quality of life. It can also feel incredibly isolating and contribute to depression or anxiety.
For more health tips, see which municipality foods are bad for the teeth and how weigh yourself properly.
#Top #Signs #Time #Glasses
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