
Exercise scientist baffled by Brie Larson Captain Marvel Workout BOSROX

Here we go again. An exercise scientist is baffled by Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel workout. See it for yourself.


Who is this exercise scientist? Dr. Mike Israetel, PhD in Sports Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization, is a well-respected professor in the bodybuilding community. He doesn’t just talk about workouts and fitness tips, he often dives deep into health and nutrition.

This is the second time BOSTROX has covered Israel’s workout with a Hollywood celebrity. You can check out Henry Cavills The Witcher’s take on him training here.


This time he was reviewing Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel workout. And from the beginning, Israel was not happy about it.


See all below.

Exercise scientist baffled by Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel Workout

The workout was shared online by Mens Health Magazine’s YouTube channel, and you can watch the full video here if you’re curious.


Before the workout even started, Israetel already had to stop the video and criticize the barbell hip drive. When you do an exercise, you do it with weights light enough for the person to do them themselves.

To look juicier for the role, Israetel says it would be better to do lower-body barbell back squats instead of overhead forward lunges with a barbell.

Every time Brie Larson’s trainer brought up a body warm-up exercise for a different exercise, Israetel would get pissed. There is no better warm-up than warming up with lighter weights and higher reps for the exercise you’re actually doing.

Israel spoke about the anti-personnel press exercise after three futile warm-ups, isometric push-ups with eccentric control.

When it came to a set of dumbbells for the whole body. It will be as difficult as it is useless.

In the end, Israetel believes it was just a bunch of random exercises with no clear focus. The verdict? 2 out of 10 for Israel.

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How many times a week should you exercise?

So how many times a week should you exercise? As expected, the answer is simply not a direct number. This is because people seek different results when they train and this alone can already differ the response for one person and another.

The more you train, the more your muscles grow. This is true, up to a point. However, there is something called junk volume training where once you reach a certain point, the more you lift the worse it becomes for hypertrophy.

So in the end, it’s all about training volume. If you have time to train 5, 6, or even 7 days a week, you can break your training into specific muscle groups chest and back one day, legs another day, and shoulders, arms, and abs the next day, take a day off, and repeat. If you can only train three times a week, with one rest day in between, then train your entire body during each session.

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However, if you can only train once a week, you will still get some results, but they will be far less than people who train three times a week according to several studies.

In one particular study, participants performed exactly the same amount of training. One group did it all in one giant session, while the other group did the moves spread over three days, the latter group saw an 8% increase in lean body mass while the 1x/week group gained L 1% of lean body mass.

If you hit the gym three times a week, but only train a different specific muscle group each day, you’re actually only training each muscle group once a week, which isn’t optimal for muscle growth.

Training more often, between 4 and 7 times a week, can provide additional recovery benefits when structured correctly. You can go to the gym every day, as long as you allow 48-72 hours of rest to recover from your last workout. This is where the brotherly mindset comes from, where you can focus a workout session entirely on one muscle and hit the gym the next day because you’re training a different part of your body that’s well-rested.

You can also try different ways to divide up your workout. It can be an upper body workout routine, a bro split, or a full body workout. It depends on how much time you have available, just make sure you train the same muscle group more than once a week to get results faster.

Bro Split, upper/lower, full body workout compared

So how many times a week should you exercise? At least 3, if you want to see faster results. It depends on how much time you have, and from there, you can choose what type of exercise routine works best for you.

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Upper Lower Workout 3 days a week

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