
12 easy habits to adopt from people who never get anxious

Anxiety is a universal human experience. However, some people navigate life’s complexities and uncertainties with an admirable sense of calm and composure.


We now know that people who never get anxious have certain habits. Habits that are easy to adopt and replicate.

By exploring and adopting these habits, we can also develop a similar sense of calm and reduce anxiety in our lives.


1) Have a healthy sleep routine

Alright, let’s start with one of the basics. Get a good night’s sleep.

While it seems like this is a Paragraph 22 situation where anxiety affects sleep and a good night’s sleep helps ease the anxiety, there are solutions.


First of all, you can help your case by establishing a routine that includes going to bed and getting up at the same time every day (including weekends). Not using your smartphone or watching TV before bed also helps.

2) Limit your caffeine intake

If you’re like me, drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day. Not good if you are often anxious.


You see, caffeine causes similar effects to anxiety symptoms. Complete with jitters and a racing heartbeat. Having too much caffeine can also give you caffeine-induced anxiety.

For some, drastically cutting back on caffeine will go a long way in relieving anxiety.

I’ve personally switched to the type of coffee that includes grains, thus reducing the overall coffee grounds and caffeine content by more than half.

Likewise, my third (and/or fourth) cup of coffee is decaf, as I noticed that I just craved the taste of the coffee and didn’t need a caffeine boost.

3) Take some time to relax

They were all busy, right? Work, family and especially children occupy most of our time. And all that’s left is filled with worries about those things.

But, and this is important, you MUST find some time to relax and think about something else.

I suggest making time for activities that bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment. Engaging in hobbies, like painting, playing an instrument, or gardening, can provide a healthy distraction from anxiety.

It doesn’t even have to be that complex. Go out with your friends, have wine/beer or a cup of coffee, or go to nature, be with animals and the like.

Anything that distracts you from worrying about your job, kids, future, or any other burden you carry.

4) Leave it to the future you

When you have a lot on your plate, you think about it constantly. You’re ruminating about what’s going to happen, going through scenarios in your head, and generally overthinking things.

And what do you get out of all that thinking? Nothing. An ulcer, perhaps.

The thing is, you need to write down the things you worry about on a piece of paper. Start with the biggest thing and finish with the smallest thing.

Do it an hour before sleep or do it in the morning. Whatever suits you best. Next, write down the possible solutions for each of them.

If you have a solution, start working on it the first chance you get. If you don’t have a solution or an answer, or the problem is still too far away to address now, stop worrying about it.

Leave it to the future you. Let them worry about it when the time comes.

5) Stop worrying about the things you can’t influence

Also, you need to STOP worrying about the things you can’t directly influence. Too much is happening all the time in this 24/7 news cycle.

If you can’t do anything about an issue, like if it’s happening on the other side of the planet, stop overthinking it. Acknowledge that it happened and don’t let it make you anxious.

For example, there are wars all over the world all the time. You will not help yourself or the people involved by thinking about it and worrying about it.

Want to help? Well. Collect donations that can help people. Otherwise, go ahead.

This brings us to the next point which is related.

6) Don’t take everything so seriously

Not taking everything so seriously can also be a helpful habit in managing anxiety. Detached awareness, also known as non-attachment, is a concept rooted in mindfulness practices.

It’s about observing your thoughts, emotions, and experiences without holding on to them or getting caught up in their narrative.

This helps you maintain a sense of distance and perspective, allowing you to respond to situations with greater clarity and calmness.

When dealing with anxiety, practicing detached awareness can be especially helpful.

That’s how. Notice times when you feel anxious due to uncertainty or unpredictability. Instead of trying to control or eliminate uncertainty, practice accepting it as a natural part of life.

Recognize that you cannot know or control everything and that embracing uncertainty can lead to growth and new possibilities.

7) Block thoughts related to work

Another thing people who never get anxious do well is not thinking about work outside of work hours.

Many people suffer from so-called Sunday fears. If you’re not sure what it is, it’s that feeling of devastation that comes along on a Sunday night or even a Saturday for some people.

This feeling of dread because tomorrow is Monday and you have to go to work makes people fearful and can suck the fun out of their remaining free time.

According to LinkedIn research, 80% of professionals experience it, and over 90% of Millennials and Generation Z say they try it too.

These are some devastating numbers that mean not millions but BILLIONS of people affected.

There are many things you can do to ease this feeling, but my advice is to book something pleasant for Monday as well.

Perhaps you decide that you will have the fanciest lunch or dinner on Monday, or meet friends or colleagues for happy hour.

Something you can expect.

8) Have a safe space in your mind

While I’m often no longer anxious, there is one thing that has consistently helped me when I was getting anxious or couldn’t fall asleep, for example.

He was thinking about something or someone that made me feel incredibly happy or motivated.

When I was younger, this thought was about playing basketball with my friends in my mind. I was obsessed with the sport at the time and of course it made sense to make it my safe space.

As I’ve gotten out of it, I’ve developed several safe spaces in my mind that have helped me with everything from fear and anxiety to blocking negative thoughts and helping me fall asleep.

9) Make yourself sweat

Physical activity has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health, including reducing anxiety.

When we exercise regularly, such as walking, jogging or yoga, our body releases endorphins and reduces stress.

But exercise and other sweat-inducing activities, if you know what I mean, provide us with a positive distraction from anxious thoughts and worries.

By shifting your attention to the physical activity at hand, you divert your attention away from anxious introspection.

10) Limit your exposure to stressors

Recognizing and minimizing exposure to situations or people that trigger our anxiety is also undoubtedly helpful. Out of sight out of mind.

This means you’ll need to set boundaries, practice assertiveness (for example, say no to someone), or avoid unnecessary stressors whenever possible.

Evaluate your daily routines, activities and commitments to identify stressors that are not essential or that carry more negative than positive impacts.

Try reducing your exposure to certain media, either by minimizing your time spent around toxic people or by avoiding situations that are constantly stress-inducing. Taking breaks from technology and social media can also help.

11) Accept imperfection

When you think everything has to be perfect, you’re putting a lot of pressure on yourself and the others involved. Perfectionism often fuels anxiety as it sets unrealistic standards and creates a constant fear of failure.

Instead, accept that imperfections are a natural part of life. Embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning, and reduce self-judgment to cultivate self-compassion.

This will also allow you to take healthy risks and step out of your comfort zone. When you let go of the need for everything to be perfect, you become more willing to try new things, explore different paths, and learn from failures.

12) Start journaling

Finally, writing down your thoughts and concerns will help you materialize them and find solutions if needed.

It’s a great therapy practice that helps you express yourself, gain clarity, and gain a new perspective on your concerns.

By engaging in a written dialogue with yourself, you can gain new perspectives, challenge negative thought patterns, and develop strategies for coping with anxiety-inducing challenges.

Final thoughts

As you can see, there are many things that can help us with our anxiety. If you’re ready to start adopting some of these habits, I recommend starting with what’s easiest for you.

Introduce two or three each week and you’ll be anxiety-free in no time.

#easy #habits #adopt #people #anxious
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