After a long night’s sleep, our bodies often instinctively stretch when we first wake up. But many of us don’t think of following it up with other movements. Allowing your muscles to warm up in the morning can positively affect how you feel throughout the rest of the day. From simple stretches to ones that might require a little more flexibility, we spoke to experts to find out what you should be doing as part of your sunrise routine. Read on to discover five morning stretches that will instantly boost your energy.
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Embracing your feline flexibility first thing in the morning can help keep you awake for the rest of the day.
AS Brandt Passalacquathe founder, director and principal teacher of Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy, tells The best lifethe cow-cat pose works to stretch and lengthen the spine, which “reduces stiffness in the back in the morning.”
When your spine is activated and woken up, you may feel more energized instantly, second Michael JonesMS, a mobility specialist with over 15 years of hands-on experience in physical therapy and rehabilitation.
“The rhythmic arching and rounding of the back promote circulation of spinal fluid, which can help kick-start the day,” explains Jones.
Passalacqua adds, “The cat-cow pose is also great for stimulating your digestive system, which can also give you more energy.”

Cats and cows aren’t the only animals you should seek guidance from—Downward Dog is one of the best-known yoga poses for a reason: It works.
“This is when you start on your hands and knees and slowly lift your hips and straighten your legs, while your hands and toes stay on the ground,” she says Gina Iovenittian exercise science expert who works in growth operations for the cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation company Carda Health.
Iovenitti recommends holding downward dog pose for anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute for best results.
“Because this is an inverted pose, it encourages blood flow and stimulates and calms the body at the same time,” she says. “It’s great to exercise in the morning or during the day when you need an energy boost.”

Our bodies can often twist and turn during the night, even if we don’t realize it. As a result, you may end up in hunched over positions while you sleep, and that can make you feel sluggish in the morning, according to Jones. Fortunately, you can easily reverse it with a simple stretch: the chest opener.
“Opening the chest with this stretch can help correct posture and allow for deeper, more energetic breaths,” says Jones.
There are many how-to videos online that can show you how this simple stretch is done.
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Don’t have enough time to get your yoga mat out before work? Not to worry! The standing stretch can easily be done from your desk and will still make a huge difference when it comes to boosting your energy levels, according to Josh Petrawskian exercise expert and CEO of Sports & Fitness Exchange.
“Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart and interlock your fingers overhead, palms facing up. Take a deep breath, lengthen your spine, and lean gently to one side, feeling the stretch along your side opposite of your body.” recommend. “Hold for a few breaths, then repeat on the other side.”
As Petrawski explains, the standing stretch helps open the ribcage on both sides.
“By lengthening the lateral body and lengthening the intercostal muscles between the ribs, this stretch promotes deeper breathing and better oxygenation,” she says. “The expansion of the ribcage and the increase in lung capacity can help increase energy and alertness.”

Child’s pose may not feel like an energy-inducing stretch compared to others. But this sleeping position can actually do you a lot of good in the morning, according to LS Wangexperienced orthopedic surgeon and medical director of the Arete Ortho clinic.
As Wang explains, child’s pose can “help relieve tension and stress in your neck, back, and hips.” This, in turn, can provide calm to center the mind and body, which should make you “feel more energized,” she says.
Best Life offers the most up-to-date information from top experts, new research and health agencies, but our content is not intended to replace professional guidance. When it comes to the medications you are taking or any other health questions you have, always consult your doctor directly.
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